Sunday 27 November 2011


        Isn’t about time we woke up to the fact that national governments are no more than the corporate world’s minders. Across the globe in country after country, the policies are the same, cuts in social spending and privatise everything. These policies are implemented no matter the shape or shade of the government, centre-left, centre-right, it makes no difference. As we look at these policies it is obvious that they don't function for the benefit of all in society, they do feed the corporate world with more avenues for profit, all part of the master plan of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers). We now live in a corporate society where the corporations control everything, corporate fascism, and nothing will be done that might in any way hinder their progress to amass ever greater profits. Excellent conditions for the corporate world are a pool of cheap labour and low wages, they might not do you and I any good, but the corporate bosses are rubbing their hands at the thought, it is a bonus to the corporate world. You can lobby the millionaire cabal in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption all you want about more jobs, and all that crap, but basically they don’t need you. The corporate world is not in the least patriotic, the Asian manufacturing is booming and the companies that are falling over themselves to join that bandwagon over there, are all familiar names to the Western workers over here. In the past the booming West sent its affluent workers as tourists to the East, now it is in reverse, the affluent Asians are visiting the poorer West. The corporate world doesn’t much care which way it goes, as I said before, they are not in the least patriotic.

        It is strange that the corporate world and anarchists should have anything in common, however, we both want an end to national borders. We anarchist want to see the end of the state and its borders so that we as people can co-operate and function freely in federation with all other people to our mutual benefit. The corporate world wants an end to national borders but only for capital, so that it can move freely around the globe exploiting any pool of cheap labour it can find, and all for the benefit of that little band of parasites, the shareholders.

        The reality is, we don’t need them, we make and distribute everything in this world, we can do so in a much more efficient, equitable, just and sustainable manner if we eliminated the parasites and got rid of their mantra, profit above all else. They on the other hand do need us, to continue to be exploited, so as they can hold onto their power and maintain their pampered parasitical existence. We are the 99% they are the 1%, we are governed by consent, we can and have the right, to withdraw that consent, isn't about time we exercised that right?

ann arky's home.

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