Showing posts with label corporate fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate fascism. Show all posts

Tuesday 3 July 2012


   Bank scandals, corporate fiddling taxes, trampling human rights, all in the name of greed. It is the system that is corrupt, the individual  corporate bodies just play the game of profit before all else. People, their rights and their needs don't come into the equation.
    Two years after signing an agreement with the IUF which it has never implemented, Unilever is on the verge of committing itself to 4 more years of violating the basic rights of a group of Indian workers. Does the company's signature signify nothing?
       The agreement signed under the auspices of the UK government in July 2010 committed Unilever to restoring to the workers in its factory in Doom Dooma, Assam (India) their right to freely choose the union they wished to adhere to and which would represent them for collective bargaining purposes.
    The last two years, however, have seen only evasions, provocations and management lies. Management is now preparing to sign a new, long-term agreement with the organization it created to crush the IUF's affiliate and confiscate their rights for yet another 4 years. The workers have never had the possibility to do what they were promised: freely choose their union in conditions of security and anonymity,
Act now! - click here send a message to company CEO Paul Polman telling Unilever to honor the agreement they have signed.

Ron Oswald
General Secretary, IUF

International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF)

8, rampe du Pont-Rouge
1213 Petit Lancy, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 793 22 33
Fax: +41 22 793 22 38
     If you wish to receive regular news from the IUF in addition to our urgent action appeals Click here to subscribe to the new IUF News Service

Thursday 24 May 2012


        What does austerity lead to, apart from enhancing the bank balances of the financial Mafia. A look at Greece today could be a vision of what is in store for hundreds of millions of ordinary people across Europe. The situation in Greece deteriorates on a daily bases and with no end in sight, and will continue to deteriorate as long as we continue with this corporate fascist money orientated system.

      From tomorrow’s edition of Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachricthen: “The Greece-exit is a done deal: According to the German economic news from financial circles EU and the ECB have abandoned the motherland of democracy as a euro member. The reason is, interestingly, not in the upcoming elections – these are basically become irrelevant. The EU has finally realized that the Greeks have not met any agreements and will not continue not to meet them. A banker: “We helped with the Toika. The help of the troika was tied to conditions. Greece has fulfilled none of the conditions, and has been for months now.”
       The troika is composed of unelected ex-Goldman executives who want to financially rape Greece to further enrich the bankers, who knew damn well the loans they made were junk and should never have been made. The populace of Greece, who had nothing to do with the loans, is being forced to pay for the sins and crimes of others in the name of a bogus “austerity.” So, for a banker to whine that they tried to help Greece is sactimonious, self-serving rubbish. Greece stops paying pharmacies, who are now charging full-price.
The Eurozone banksters are very sorry that granny in Greece may not be able to afford her meds so that the reckless, garbage loans they forced on Greece can be repaid. But really, what’s a few dead grandmothers in comparison to extortion-like loans being repaid so that a corrupt tiny few can further enrich themselves.
       A Greek exit is very bad news for Obama and could seriously threaten his reelection.

 ann arky's home.

Monday 21 May 2012


        Not a new video but one that gets the message acros that it is not a national problem, but an international problem.

ann arky's home.

Friday 11 May 2012


          We should never see what is happening in Greece as something divorced from us here in the UK segment of the corporate fascist's world. The only difference between us and Greece is that they are further down the line of the "Great Austerity Plan", (read "transferring all public assets into corporate hands"). Because of the resistance of the Greek people, we are now hear simperings of a change in tactics with the word "growth" being thrown around, all that "growth" will mean is a slight slowing down of the stripping of public assets, not the reversal. Greece is the front line at the moment and we should always try to be aware of what is happening there, it is a sketch of what we will have to go through as the "Great Austerity Plan" relentlessly marches on. It should not be taken as a given that if the poeople rebel they will all be waving red and black flags, there is a lot of money and power available to those on the other side. One simple tactic being used in Greece by the fascist Goden Dawn mob, is that they went about the poorer areas handing out food parcels, and in time of hunger, the hand that feeds you can seem like your friend.
This from Occupied London:

         The future historian will easily draw a line at the end of the Greek Metapolitefsi (the post-dictatorial regime) somewhere between May5th, 2010 and yesterday — the date of the first elections in this new era. Nothing resembles what we used to live a few years ago. As anarchists, anti-authoritarians, people opposed to any form of representation, the electoral process does not concern us. And yet, it is crucial in tracing societal changes — and what is happening in Greece at the moment is immense. For the first time since the Nazi occupation, an openly Nazi party has officially entered the echelons of political power. While the Left celebrates a “victory” it will be unable to capitalise on in any tangible way, few seem to be reading through this temporary, murky shift-around of the mainstream political balance of power.
        Society in the greek territory is polarising rapidly. The one pole, the pole of the far-right, the misanthropic facade of the current system of capitalist exploitation, is forming quickly. The crucial task ahead is for our pole to form faster even; for us to understand that the times (not so far) ahead will involve a fight to shift society as a whole in an emancipatory direction. A struggle to keep our cities, our streets, our spaces clean from misanthropic nazi scum. But also, and most importantly, a struggle and a race to occupy the space left behind by a crumbling, retreating system of order; we’d better get going.

 ann arky's home.

Saturday 28 April 2012


        Though the following article sees the Greek situation spreading to all the Southern European states, I on the other hand, see it coming to practically all the European states. It would suit the corporate fascist in conjunction with the financial Mafia to turn Europe into one very large sweatshop. This would put them in a much stronger position when trading with all the other power blocks on the planet. Cheap labour and low corporation taxes, is the perfect recipe for for corporate greed. To expect our respective national governments to somehow protect us from this "grand-plan" is rather naive as they are the managers of the "grand-plan" on behalf of the financial Mafia, they are the servants of the corporate fascists. 

     It's not a great photograph but its sole virtue is that its tells a story, and so illustrates so much of what is happening in Greece today and for that reason I posted it.
      In it are all the elements of a new emerging economy that has been foisted upon Greece in the name of financial salvation. In the foreground is the child beggar, no more than 11, I'd venture, his Fagin like "handler" (How Dickens serves us in times of need) just off frame at the entrance of the Ble patisserie.
      Ble, which serves high end baked goods at the kind of prices that even New Yorkers/Parisians might baulk at is, itself a perfect example of how the economy is going. Inside the employees haven't been paid for months and yet remain working, as they know giving up a job there means certain unemployment, a fact the supervisor hovering in the background is no doubt aware of.
       300 Euro per month wages, total absence of labour protection laws and rampant poverty are the fate that awaits other southern European economies adopting the kind of austerity measures that Greece has implemented in the last three years.

 ann arky's home.

Sunday 22 April 2012


           Greece has the austerity part of the formula and now it is getting the repression part. The financial Mafia having plundered the Greek people's public assets, it requires it's managers, the Greek state, to step up the repression in an attempt to terrorise the people and try to prevent more protests and rebellion. The powers that be are well aware that what they are doing to the people will result in anger and people taking to the streets, their next stage will be to terrorise those that do and demonise them through the mainstream media. Just as they had no qualms in dishing out poverty and deprivation on the people, they will have no qualms on dishing out violent repression. As far as they are concerned the people must be controlled as the financial Mafia do their utmost to strengthen and expand the corporate fascism that already exists.

            Major police operation in Exarcheia, Athens sees two anarchist social centres evicted; the entire neighbourhood is currently under curfew and cut off by heavy police forces.

         At approximately 06.50 GMT+2 on Friday morning, heavy police forces conducted simultaneous raids at two newly occupied anarchist spaces in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia: the building at 60, Valtetsiou str and the building of the abandoned VOX cinema by Exarcheia square. The latter had been occupied for a few weeks and its opening event was planned for this Saturday.
         It is speculated that the raids took place following the order of I. Tentes, a prosecutor of the High Court in Athens, who launched his career after being appointed in the judiciary by the Junta regime in the early seventies. History, in case it should be noted, does seem to have a peculiar sense of irony.
         At the time of writing (12:33 GMT+2) the entire Exarcheia square is cordoned off by heavy police forces while the K-VOX social centre has been sealed off.

ann arky's home.

Monday 16 April 2012


           October 15 may have come and gone, but the anger of the people is still there. The corruption and exploitation is still there, the parasites are still filling there over sized bellies with the wealth of the people. What is more the anger is spreading, the people are joining hands across borders. A message to the army of parasites that inhabit the world of the financial Mafia and to the corporate fascist, we are aware. We are aware of your lies and you corruption, we are aware of your greed and money making tricks such as war, we are aware of your plundering our public assets. Also we are aware of a better world, we are aware of your vulnerability and we are aware of our strength. Change is coming, the people will make that change.


ann arky's home.

Thursday 12 April 2012


        It is imperative that we continually stress the human side of all this financial shuffling being done by the various governments at the behest of the financial Mafia. We get daily reports about how the markets are responding, but little or no mention of the distress and deprivation being heaped on the people.  It seems that the format is for the elected governments to try to gain the confidence of the markets by screwing the people. One would imagine that it should somehow or other, be the other way round, the elected governments trying to gain the confidence of the people by screwing the markets. The fact that it is the way it is, makes it glaringly obvious whose side they are on. In this web of financial re-adjustments, re-capitalisation, increasing banks liquidity, and other descriptions for plundering the public purse, there is no group taking care of the interests of the people. It is up to the people to take care of themselves with the same ruthlessness as the financial mafia take care of themselves. There is no other phrase suits the situation better than "class war". Our people are being injured and dying by the deliberate decisions of a group of people, well aware of the consequences of their actions, for no other reason than personal gain. It is a class that has all the wealth dragging what they can from another class, those who produce all the wealth. That by any analysis is "class war".


ann arky's home.

Friday 23 March 2012


       Across Europe the people are being squeezed, it is all a matter of degree, where you stay will determine that amount of pain you receive. Greece is at the forefront of the attack, with wages cut by 50% and more, in some cases wages delayed for a couple of months, taxes increased, pensions slashed, social services destroyed and unemployment going stratospheric. The Italian government has been replaced by a member of the financial militia, as has been the Greek government. Italy has had mass demonstrations on the streets, Portugal is gearing up for a general strike, Spain likewise, and it already has had several one day stoppages, Ireland has dropped back into recession. Recently Spain's Prime Minister stated that comparing Spain with Greece was ridiculous and that Spain would meet it fiscal targets of austerity and reduce its deficit. However, meeting its fiscal targets, set by the financial Mafia, will mean more suffering poured on to the backs of the Spanish people, will they accept more poverty to save the bond markets?

        Romania, Hungary, Belgium are all doing the austerity thing and the people are suffering, the usual lie from the financial Mafia is that it is a “crisis”. There is no “crisis”, everything is working fine, all public funds are being directed to the corporate fascists that rule the world, everything is being privatised to help to re-capitalise their coffers, all is going according to their ideological plan. We are fed this illusion of “crisis” in an attempt to get us to swallow this rapid plunder of all public assets. You may see a worried look on the faces of the ordinary people, but you will only see smiles on the faces of the bankers, bond holders and the corporate world. How long will the public take this purloining of their kids future, how long will they suffer the lies of their “elected representatives”, how long before they public realise the system is loaded against them. It can't be modified to suit their desires, it can't deliver well being for all, it is a ponzi scheme and we the public are the dupes.

       The system has to be destroyed and now more than ever it is obvious that it is not a national problem, it is international. It is the people of the whole of Europe that have to rise up and create an alternative, we have to stop saying, “Please Sir, can I have some more.” It is our world or it is their world, we have to decide. Do we want more of the same, always struggling to get a little more from our masters, or do we want a world that sees to the needs of all our people?

This from Anarchist News.
The spectre of the revolt of December 2008, which shook the country deeply after Alexis was murdered by the cops, has haunted minds for months in Greece. Indeed, faced with the unprecedented poverty in the country, with the impossibility of “improving” the economic and social situation, faced with the turning of the screw on the whole population in the name of upholding the system and power, many people have put in their lot for the return of that spectre, for a vast revolt against the State and capitalism without compromise or mediation. After the vote went through on the nth package of austerity measures, which among other things stipulated a 30% reduction of the minimum wage (with all the prior reductions, this adds up to a 50% wage reduction in less than a year), it’s not“just” that spectre that’s taken hold of Athens as it has of several other cities – it’s something more: that night, after the vote, a breeze of insurrection blew in. Dozens of buildings were burned to the ground (banks, institutions, supermarkets, “historical heritage sites,” ministerial buildings,...), hundreds of businesses were pillaged and destroyed, barricades were erected, aside from the heavy confrontations with the forces of order, building occupations, etc. But that gust blew away all attempts to make “calculations”about what was happening too… the sheer vastness of its scope, involving dozens of hundreds of thousands of persons, every one of them charged with their own load of rage, desire, ideas – every one of them ready with their hands. No politician, no manager, no“politics” could lay a finger on it without the risk of getting burned.
Continue READING:

Thursday 22 March 2012


        You are probably an ordinary person who struggles to have a decent life and when it comes to elections, if you are still foolish enough to have any faith in the system, you'll cast your vote and that will be that. You will expect your elected representative to fight your corner and to argue to protect your interests in a fair and unbiased manner. If only it was that straight forward. Your elected representative will in all possibility also be employed as an advisor to some corporate body. This will mean of course that he/she will not support any legislation that might adversely affect his corporate paymaster, and he/she will also be wined and dined by well paid motor mouthed lobbyists pushing their particular paymaster's interests. This leaves your interests somewhat away down the line. They call it democracy, I call it corporate fascism.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 17 March 2012


       As we all know, or should know, the millionaires at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption are hell bent on turning the NHS into a cash cow for their friends in the corporate world. Turning it from a service at time of need, into a commercial concern where those with money will be able to buy the best treatment available and get it right away, where as the rest of us will have to take our place in the queue and take what is left. Health should never be considered as a money making enterprise, it must always be a service at time of need. However the corporate fascists see our Health Service as one massive market that they can milk, making billions from the sick and vulnerable. It is your child that way be dependent on it in some time in the future, what will you do if it isn't there?
This appeal from AVAAZ.

We have just days to save the NHS. Opposition from doctors, nurses and patients has rocked the government. Our massive outcry now can persuade undecided members of the House of Lords to say no to the bill on Monday and get the government to publish its report on the risks of these changes. Sign here to save the NHS:

Sign the petition
         The battle to save the NHS is now entering its final hours. David Cameron and Andrew Lansley seem determined to drag Britain’s most famous institution to its grave, but if we now stand together we can get the House of Lords to stop this bill in its tracks.
       Public outrage is gripping the country as the Prime Minister persists with a bill that would dismantle the NHS and open the field to private companies. The government refuses to publish its internal report on the risks of the reforms, one reason among many why thousands of health professionals and many politicians oppose the changes. If we now build a massive outcry we can sway our last line of defence -- the House of Lords -- to save the NHS.
        Let’s call on the undecided members in the House of Lords to keep the knives off our NHS and ensure we can all read the official risk report -- sign here and circulate. Our voices will ramp up the pressure as we deliver our petition when we reach key milestones between now and Monday:

      The coalition promised no top-down reorganisation of the National Health Service. Yet it's brought in a bill that threatens to turn large chunks of the NHS over on a plate to private health care companies and cost-cutting consultants, threatening a tidal wave of privatisation that will leave our health system expensive and fragmented, with many of us getting only low-quality care. Citizens are outraged -- according to the latest polls, over half of us want the new bill to be scrapped.
         Public opposition has already delayed the bill and forced several amendments, but the government is refusing to halt the reforms, wrongly insisting that opponents are just a minority group of disgruntled health care professionals and political opponents. The fight for the NHS now depends on the 200 members of the House of Lords who don't belong to a political party. They aren't used to public scrutiny, so if we target them now, we can win and ensure that any reforms of our precious health service are done in concert with health professionals and patients.
           We only have until Monday to tip the balance. The recommendation to delay the debate until after the risk register has been released will throw the NHS a lifeline and allow us all to see the likely impact of this bill. Sign the petition, and send widely.

        Britain is proud of the NHS, which has saved countless lives and won admirers across the world. Let’s act now and ensure our health care system stays free for all.

With hope,

Sam, Antonia, Alex, Alice, Jamie, Ricken and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

NHS reforms: Lib Dem divisions resurface as bill returns to parliament (The Guardian)

Time is running out to save the NHS (The Mirror)

NHS costs soar as GPs focus on health reforms (The Guardian)

Cabinet 'revolts against health reforms' (The Telegraph)

Cameron should scrap NHS bill and drop Lansley, says influential Tory blog (The Guardian)

NHS Reforms: More Than Half Of Voters Want To See Changes Dropped (Huffington Post)

Tuesday 13 March 2012


          It is not just in Europe that the corporate bully boys are flexing their muscles, it is world wide. In every country the corporate gaints are ripping up contracts, in doing so reducing wages and taking away conditions that have been fought for with blood, sweat and tears. Workers across the world have to show solidarity with each other, it is one big battle, a fight against world wide corporate fascism.
This from IUF:

      Talley’s/AFFCO has locked out 1,000 meat workers in an attempt to force them and their union, the New Zealand Meat Workers’ Union, to accept changes to their collective agreement - changes which will make it easy for the company to impose individual contracts on workers and thereby to set wages unilaterally. Changes which will eventually destroy the Core Collective Agreement now applicable to AFFCO’s 8 plants in New Zealand’s Northern Island. More...

Click here to tell AFFCO and its parent company Talley’s to lift the lockout and return to the negotiating table!
Ron Oswald
General Secretary, IUF

International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF)

8, rampe du Pont-Rouge
1213 Petit Lancy, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 793 22 33
Fax: +41 22 793 22 38

 ann arky's home.

Monday 12 March 2012


        We should be under no illusions that the present bunch of millionaires sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption have a master plan. It is quite simply to privatise everything, and that means everything, no exemptions, all will be turned into cash cows for the corporate world, health, education, social services, police, prisons and the judiciary. There method is the same in each case, starve it of funds, forcing it to seek private money to continue functioning and waffle on about letting competition in to improve things and hey presto, you have a privatised society and we all live in a state of corporate fascism. 
This from SACC:
       You suffer a violent burglary. The scenes of crime officer who comes round is employed by G4S. Fibre samples are found, swabs taken and dispatched to G4S Forensics. The suspect resists arrest, is held overnight in police cells run by G4S, then appears before magistrates trained by the company. After serving his sentence he spends his a period of probation tagged by the company on a G4S work programme....
        John Shaw, the managing director of G4S has already held secret talks with leaders of two Scottish police forces.
Read the full article (SACC article)
        G4S provides security services to settlements and the Israeli Occupation Forces in Palestine. On 11 March 2011 it announced its exit from some contracts in the West Bank, but it continues to deliver security services to illegal settlements in the West Bank and to prisons in Israel. This includes the provision of various security systems in prisons where Palestinian are held as "security prisoners" in violation of international human rights norms.
Privatisation of policing and justice in Scotland is unacceptable!
What You Can Do
Let your MSPs know about your concerns over any privatisation of policing and justice in Scotland. You can contact your MSPs using

 ann arky's home.

Wednesday 7 March 2012


        There has never been a greater need nor a greater urgency for the people of Europe to come together to defend themselves against the march of capitalist greed. Capitalism has morphed, no longer is it the "bossman" up the road who employs the local people. Today it is world wide corporate fascism, unelected groups moving their wealth around and dictating to elected governments how to run their respective countries. The financial Mafia sit on the throne of this new beast, corporate fascism, and they are intent on plundering all public assets and directing all funds from the public purse straight to their personal coffers. Greece is just the start, that is the road that faces us all unless we can halt the march of this greed driven corporate fascism. Your children and your grandchildren are depending on your action now, it is their future that is being stolen. The following is the latest from March31 movement.

Dear Comrades,
       we would like to update you on "M31", the European Day of Action against Capitalism, to be held on March 31st in many countries. Some of you may already know the project, or may have heard about it through different channels. This is just one further attempt to get you interested and involved.
       M31 is an initiative of leftist, anticapitalist and antinational groups from Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Groups from other countries like Belgium, Denmark and Ukraine have since joined the project. With the crisis deepening, we want to overcome the national and nationalist division of struggles.
Take a look at our international homepage:

Here's our Call for Action, available in many languages:

Or follow M31 on facebook:

         We think it's about time to organize a radical intervention. We're not interested in superficial social reforms of capitalism. We can see in Greece what the future of our societies will look like, if left[ist] resistance fails.
       M31 is very much a work in progress. Who knows what will happen till March 31st! In Germany, we're helping to organize a rally in Frankfurt, dealing with the European Central Bank (ECB), among other issues. In Greece or Spain, interventions may be different.
         If you like the project, please tell others about it. Get in contact with M31-groups in your country, and help set something up. If there's no group from your country on our list of M31-groups, send us an eMail, and we'll try to get you in contact with people who are already discussing M31 in your country. Planning an "open assembly" is a good way to get something started.

If you have any questions or proposals, please send an eMail to:

Let's get it on!
umsGanze! network (Germany)

ann arky's home.

Friday 2 March 2012



          What is happening to the Greek people is an avoidable tragedy and is brutal by any standard of measuring. However we should not be lulled into thinking that Greece is the only problem facing the European people. Right across the continent the people are suffering in unimaginable numbers. If we look at the unemployment numbers in some of the major economies in Europe what we see is a depressing picture of ever increasing poverty. The unemployment figure for Italy is 8.5%, UK 8.4%, Portugal 14%, Greece 20.9%, Spain 22.5%, that's an awful lot of people who are unable to provide for themselves or their families, an awful lot of people living in poverty. However that masks the real tragedy, the youth unemployment, in Europe we are talking in millions upon millions. Young people who have their future obliterate because of the financial Mafia dictating the shape of our society. If you go through your early years unemployed and living on miserly unemployment benefit what kind of life will you have by the time you get to 30 or so? How do you provide a roof over your head, how do you provide for your family, what hope have you got of any kind of decent future? This so called “financial crisis” has destroyed the future of millions of ordinary people, but not that of the financial barons, and in doing has plunged generations of ordinary people  into poverty. The youth unemployment figures for the same major economies make extremely depressing reading, UK 22.2%, Portugal 23%, Italy 30%, Greece 48%, Spain 51.4%, in these countries alone, how many bighted lives does this translate into? This is the real picture behind all the nonsense spouted about the need for “austerity cuts”, these cuts translate into lives in misery, futures destroyed, a downward spiral for millions for generations to come.
        This is the reality of the system we call capitalism, this is the system working the only way it can, it cannot work for the benefit of all our people. If we wish to shape society so that it sees to the needs of all our people then capitalism has to go. We surely have the imagination and the compassion to come up with a fairer and more just system than a “winner take all and to hell with the hindmost” greed driven system of exploitation. As social creatures we can create a society based on mutual aid, free association and voluntary co-operation, a system freed from the greed motive built on sustainability and the desire to see to the needs of all our people. What we have at the moment is corporate fascism that feeds the ego of a small bunch of parasites who have a voracious insatiable greed.

ann arky's home.

Monday 27 February 2012


         As lots of folk in the UK look at Greece and say that it won't happen here, perhaps a closer look at some of the figures for the UK might make them think again. We as a country are just holding on with our finger tips, it will not take much to push us over the edge and have us in the same scenario as the Greek people are living through. These figures may be a month or so behind the times but nothing that has happened in the interim makes them less alarming. This from the right-wing pro-business class newspaper The Telegraph, January 4:

       Almost one million Britons have taken out an emergency 'payday' loan to help pay their rent or mortgage in the last year, according to Shelter, the housing charity. The high degree of borrowing highlights the 'spiral of debt' that people are falling into to keep a roof over their head, Shelter said. The charity also found that seven million Britons are relying on some form of credit to help pay their housing costs. Campbell Robb, Shelter’s chief executive, said: 'These shocking findings show the extent to which millions of households across the country are desperately struggling to keep their home.'

      Taking out a loan-shark Payday loan to pay your mortgage/rent, is pretty desperate stuff. This conceals a major problem in our economy just one blip and homelessness will rocket, and with unemployment rising fast that blip can't be too far off.
Another quote from The Telegraph on January 9:

     Around six million households would be unable to survive for more than five days if they stopped being paid, such are the low levels of savings among Britons, new research shows. A new report from First Direct, the bank, warns that one in three UK households have less than £250 in accessible savings. A fifth of all households have no savings at all. The bank said that £250 is the equivalent of three days’average monthly household take-home pay. With average monthly outgoing currently at £1,536, these savings would last just five days.
        So as our cabal of coalition millionaires keep telling us the we are on the right track, you can accept that they are lying through their teeth, are extremely devious, for what ever reason, or they are just plain stupid. We are as far as economics are concerned wavering on the edge of the financial precipice.

        The system is bust, normally capitalism brings extreme wealth to a few, some reasonable living for quite a few, and poverty and struggle for the many. Now as we move deeper into corporate fascism with the financial Mafia in complete control, the system produces unbelievable stratospheric wealth for even fewer, a reasonable living for the managers of the system and grinding deprivation for the vast majority. The unelected corporate fascists rule the world. Those who produce all that wealth never get a smell of it, the system is set up to syphon the wealth up the way. So forget changing the government, the party, the President or what ever, it is the system that we have to change.

ann arky's home.

Friday 24 February 2012


        It is sad that when there is any sort of demonstration against the exploitation by this corporate fascist system, people still have to rely on the viper tongued pro-system media. The mainstream media has always been, and always will be, a propaganda machine for those in power, a pro establishment anti-common people, weaver of illusions. I have often spouted my view on the lies, illusions and omissions that fill the sewer that goes by the name of mainstream media, Media - Lies and Illusions, is just one of my post on this dangerous and vile grouping.

By John Hartfield.

      A couple of statements lifted from Occupied London issued by the anarchist collective Vogliamo Tutto in Athens:
       You were, and you shall remain. scum, informants and journalists. "Hooded-youths loot the centre of Athens. The burning city is at their mercy. Chaos, 50 scum vandalised anything they found in front of them and pushed away the peaceful demonstrators. Where is the police?" (description of the events of Feb 12 by the informant-led media). The lackeys of the bosses offered their credentials once again. The disgusting coverage of journalists who did not hesitate to talk about workers threatened to lose their jobs as a consequence of the riots, or supposed small businessmen (yes, the banks and the multinationals!) of Stadiou Ave! ... to conspiracy theories, to parastatist provocateurs. These are not merely loopy or sensitive journalistic voices. The sewer opened up by the scum of the media is a standard practice of the sovereign. Libel, slander and misinformation aim at the isolation and the condemnation of social counter-violence and the scaring off of fighting and insurgent proletarians. At this crossroads, no-one can avoid taking a stance. You either bow your head, or you take to the streets! Vogliamo tutto e per tutti, anarchist group in the neighbourhood of Nea Smyrni and the surrounding areas

        We were, and we shall remain on the streets and at the barricades. Thousands of insurgent proletarians either chose to rage-fully clash with the repressive forces of the bosses, or they refused to retreat from Syntagma square, despite the countless tear-gas thrown by the riot police." -- A description from what we lived during the magical moments of the barricades but also of the demonstration of February 12. On the day of the sealing of the loan agreement, the day when local and international bosses were deciding the complete sucking off the blood of their subjects, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets. Slogans, passion, clashes, setting alight of banks and commercial chains, expropriation and active solidarity between workers on the streets. The hounds of democracy attacked rabidly but failed to counter the rage of the people. At the news shows later in the evening, a second wave of media-repression attack followed, in an attempt to halt social counter-violence and to slander the multitude in struggle. And yet, everyone who found themselves on the streets those days knows only too well what happened, they know who the true parastatists are, who steal their lives away, who are their enemies. There is no such thing as objective reality. You either remain a spectator, or you are there... Vogliamo tutto e per tutti, anarchist group in the neighbourhood of Nea Smyrni and the surrounding areas

         I have no doubt that the imposed colonial governors in charge of Greece at the moment, now that they have passed their new legislation, will expect the people of Greece to clear the streets and accept their exploitation and deprivation with subservience. As they syphon every public asset out of Greece and raid the public purse for the benefit of the banks and bond markets of the corporate world, the people are an inconvenience, a nuisance factor. No doubt the media will be used to misinform and delude the people to get them to suffer in silence. If that fails, as I believe it will, then the state apparatus will swing into action to brutally repress the justified and righteous anger of the people. It is a time when solidarity across borders is the only answer, this is our struggle, we are not British, French or Greek, we are the people.

Thursday 23 February 2012


       The sooner we learn that this struggle is not national, but international, the sooner we will see an end to the sacrifice of people on the altar of greed. Back when I was a young man, if there was a strike by whoever, miners, dockers or construction workers, the establishment would start to isolate the strikers by demonising them. The propaganda would pour out of how they were well paid, violent disrupters of society, holding us all to ransom, if it wasn't for these violent strickers everything would be fine. Now it is the same tactics, only on an international scale. The victim, in this case is Greece, not miners or dockers, but a nation, now demonise them, they are lazy, corrupt, they have paid themselves too much for too long, they cheated their way into the Euro, if it wasn't for them we would all be doing great with growth racing ahead. The same old lies, the same aim, to isolate and bring the group (nation) to subservience, all for the gain of the corporate fascists who at present control this world.

      The Greek people should not be left alone to fight this battle, what happens in Greece will impact on us, it is our fight as much as it is theirs. Unless we link up across borders and act in unision and in solidarity with each other, we will be picked off one by one, just as we were in the days of disputes within the nation. 
The following is from Occupied London.

        Since the generalized attack on an entire society in terms of labour, social and political rights has been answered massively last Sunday, 12/2, with the concentration of hundreds of thousands of protesters across Greece, the Power plays its last card, that of intensification of repression, to recoup the social rage.
       On Sunday morning, dozens of activists were kidnapped by the State-terrorist, some even from their homes. Four protesters in Athens, defenders of the right to life, and not mere survival, were imprisoned before their trial that it may take months until it starts. Others were prosecuted three days after the protest gatherings and demonstrations in other Greek cities. A few days before that, in TV channels and the media, sold-out politicians, collaborators of the Troika’s executives raise questions over the operation and existence of Indymedia.

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