Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Kill TTIP.

       The pressure must be kept up to defeat what is corporatism's drive to control the world. It dominates so much of our lives at present the implementing of TTIP would be the complete demise of any shred of democracy of which we might have a finger hold.
 An Appeal From WDM:
     This weekend tens of thousands of people across Europe took part in more than 1,100 protests against the EU-US trade deal (TTIP). You may have been one of them. With this many people taking action, we could stop the TTIP negotiations.
Now is the time to take action to stop TTIP.
     In just 5 days more than 500,000 people have signed the European Citizens’ Initiative opposing TTIP, a petition set up by more than 200 European organisations, including WDM. People across Europe are taking action against the increased powers TTIP would give to multinational corporations to sue governments and the effects the deal could have on our environment, food safety, public services and workers’ rights.
Help us reach 1 million signatures to stop TTIP.
    Thanks to the thousands of people who have been taking action in the UK, TTIP is now being covered by the mainstream media. Local newspapers have printed hundreds of letters about TTIP, last Friday the Independent front page story quoted WDM about TTIP and the BBC Breakfast show covered Saturday’s massive day of action.
Take action now to make your voice heard.
     Thanks for your support of the campaign against TTIP.

Together, we can defeat TTIP.

Best wishes,
Morten Thaysen, WDM
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Thursday 22 May 2014

Government Backed Corporate Imperialism.

       Giants like Monsanto don't get what they want without the help of the various governments. Governments listen to the corporate wish list, and then proceed to set up funding to smooth the process, and pass legislation to put the stamp of legitimacy on their greed driven agenda. Of course it is all shrouded under the banner of development and aid. Western aid has always been loaded to assist Western corporate giants take advantage of developing nations, the first thought has never been the welfare of the people.
         The new imperialist adventure in Africa goes by the name of “The New Alliance for Food and Nutrition”, for the African nations that sign up, this means that their agriculture policies will be at the mercy of the big greed driven giants like Monsanto, Unilever and DuPont. Just to make it easier for those corporate plunderers, the UK government is throwing £395 million into the pot. Imperialism is not something from the last couple of centuries, it is here and now, and we the tax payers are still funding, the plundering of the African continent. 
      The New Alliance has been modelled on the ‘new vision’ of private investment in agriculture developed by management consultants McKinsey in conjunction with the ABCD group of leading grain traders (ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus) and other multinational agribusiness companies. Government officials have acknowledged that most of the content in the national cooperation frameworks has been taken from other corporate initiatives such as AGRA (the Alliance for a New Green Revolution in Africa) and the Grow Africa investment platform of the World Economic Forum. Policy commitments required of African countries joining the New Alliance include ending the free distribution of seeds, phasing out national export controls and making it easier for private investors to take over agricultural land. The UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) has announced that it will be contributing £395 million from the UK aid budget to the New Alliance over the coming three years.
Read the full article HERE:
         People are now more aware of the greed and corruption that goes on between  corporatism and governments and are organising against this destructive system. Saturday May 24th sees the world event of March against Monsanto, though it should be noted that Monsanto are not the only viper in this basket.


    The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list. If there isn't a march in your area, you can still start one! Here's how:
      Whether you are physically marching or not, please join our social media hashtag storm that will be coinciding with the march on Saturday. The details and hashtags will be released through the event page and our Facebook page. You can RSVP to the event here.
     Please invite your friends lists to your local events and to the social media storm. Here's an easy plugin for Firefox users to automatically invite all of their Facebook friends:
      To view March Against Monsanto's press release, go here. Please forward this press release to any and all of your press contacts.
       Hope to see everyone out there! Here are our links to stay up to date and get involved:
    Global event list:
Facebook: -
Visit ann arky's home at

The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list. - See more at:

The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list.

If there isn't a march in your area, you can still start one! Here's how:

Whether you are physically marching or not, please join our social media hashtag storm that will be coinciding with the march on Saturday. The details and hashtags will be released through the event page and our Facebook page. You can RSVP to the event here.

Please invite your friends lists to your local events and to the social media storm. Here's an easy plugin for Firefox users to automatically invite all of their Facebook friends:

To view March Against Monsanto's press release, go here. Please forward this press release to any and all of your press contacts.

Hope to see everyone out there! Here are our links to stay up to date and get involved:

Global event list:
Facebook: - See more at:

Thursday 21 November 2013

Corporatism, Fascism, There Is No Difference.

    Mussolini stated that it should not be called fascism, it should be called corporatism, as it is the coming together of the state and the corporate, in one body of control. Well it is now global corporatism, (fascism), and it is here, global corporatism or fascism, call it what you will, it is tying the world up in one simple package to suit its greed driven ends. All decisions concerning our society and our environment will be taken behind the closed doors of plush boardrooms, by faceless millionaires and billionaires working to maximise their power and wealth. Is this the tomorrow we want?
This from
   The Trans-Pacific Partnership is set to create a virtually permanent corporate rule over the people.
     This is the trade scam NAFTA globalized, a devil's deal that has nothing to do with trade and everything to do with corporate protectionism — of the 29 chapters in the TPP, only FIVE actually cover trade issues!
Lax food safety regulation, unregulated fracking, overseas job shifts, rocketing drug prices, Internet monopolies, slashes to public services to profit Wall Street robbers... these are just some of the effects the TPP's passing will have on our world.

     Don't let voting nations pass this corporate coup d'etat. Call on the US, Canada, Japan and other nations considering the trade deal to back out of the TPP now!
Sign the Petition!
Share on Facebook!

     PETITION TO TRADING NATIONS: Don't sacrifice our rights, liberties and economic independence to profit corporations and monopolize trade. Vote against joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership now.

-- The folks at

P.S. If the other links aren't working for you, please go here to sign:

Visit ann arky's home at

Saturday 21 September 2013

We Are Further Down The Road Than You Think.

      Though poverty and deprivation have always been with us under capitalism, just a few years ago lots of people lived in the illusion of democracy, they considered that they were doing not too badly. Now the illusion has been shattered and the true vision of capitalism is hitting them between the eyes. In country after country, people are showing their anger and disgust as capitalism rips their lives apart. Not only is capitalism in its bare-knuckle stage, shredding the living standards of the people, but it is shifting the so called "representative democracies" towards fascist regimes, as it forces its ideology universally. In Europe, the Greek state is probably furthest down the line in that change, but all the others are moving in the same direction, it is all a matter of pace.
      The latest from Hungary paints a similar depressing picture, this appeal is from a campaign:
       Don't Let Hungary Go The Way Of Nazi Germany: Demand EU Action Today!  Blink and you've missed it: Hungary is no longer a democracy.
President János Áder has just signed away the rights of all that was left of Hungary's opposition parties after years of gutting legislative powers, crippling the free press, and eliminating all mention of a "republic" in the country's constitution.
      We've seen the steps Áder's taken before. We know these signs. And while the European Union continues to stay silent, the situation for women, ethnic minorities and religious groups in Hungary becomes deadlier by the second.
      Please, join us in calling on the member states to act on Article VII of the EU Treaty, which demands they intervene to prevent any state from being robbed of its democratic freedoms. We still have time to stop Áder's men from stripping Hungary's people of more rights and protections -- but we cannot afford to stay silent for long!
     PETITION TO EU MEMBER STATES: We cannot afford to sit by while another European country represses state protections, targets minorities, and spreads antisemitism while eliminating free speech. Don't let Hungary go the way of Nazi Germany -- act on Article VII to ensure Hungarians' rights and freedoms!
     We are being frog-marched rapidly into a world of corporatism, Mussolini's name for fascism, the further along the road we go the harder it will be to turn back. There is no middle road, capitalism can't be made into some sort of system that delivers fairness and justice. You either accept it, and abandon any hope of a society based on the needs of the people, or you destroy it, and start to build that better world based on those needs of all our people, mutual aid and co-operation, built on a foundation of sustainability.
Visit ann arky's home at

Sunday 3 February 2013


    Part of the bailout deal forced onto the people of Greece by the Troika, is that Greece privatises its public assets. These are assets that bring money into the public purse of Greece and could be spent on social services. One of the companies, soon to be privatised, in which the Greek state is the principle shareholder is ELPE (Hellenic Petroleum), while anther big money spinner that is set to be privatised on instructions from the troika is OPAP the state owned gambling monopoly. Two enterprises from which, it is virtually impossible not to make pots of money, to be handed over to the friends of the troika, the corporate world. While the troika are stating that Greece is bankrupt, they are forcing it to sell off that from which it could earn income.
      Of course it is all going to plan, the blatant and barefaced plundering of all that is public and transferring it to the private corporate world, the impoverishing of the people to replenish the gambling losses of the financial Mafia. What is more it is not just Greece that is being plundered in this fashion, it is world wide. Take a look closer to home, we here in the UK have already lost a host of rich assets to the corporate greed merchants, coal, gas, electricity, telephone, railway, now instead of being money earners for the public purse are part of the rip-off machine that grinds us ever nearer deprivation. However it doesn't end there, bit by bit education is being privatised, the National Health Service is halfway down the road to privatisation, social housing has all but disappeared, and there is much more to come. The corporate world will attempt to make money from anything, we are already seeing the development of a lucrative prison system. Which will of course mean that policies will turn to making sure that it has a steady and ever increasing flow of people to keep it profitable, it's called growth. The corporate world are not investing in large prisons as a short stopgap to help us out, their eyes are on future profits. Capitalism, no matter its shape or form, that is the direction it keeps moving.
      Do we really want to live in the faceless world of corporatism, a world over which you have no control what-so-ever? A world where you have no say in the shape and direction of your community, a world where everything is available to the rich and nothing available to the poor? Look carefully at what is happening, that is the road we are sleepwalking down, if we don't wake up soon, it will be too late and we will leave a heritage of slavery to the corporate world for our kids and grand-kids.

ann arky's home.

Monday 14 January 2013


      This film is an excellent display of just how that "land of the free", America tramples democracy. John Pilger's film, though made in 2007, is still due as wide a viewing as possible as it helps to lay bare the depth of brutal corruption that lies at the heart of this corporate system. 

ann arky's home.

Thursday 10 January 2013


       It is important for us to realise this, "economic downturn" that we are experiencing is not a national problem, it is an international problem. The powers that be, the corporate world, realise this, and organise accordingly, drawing on international resources to shape the outcome to their desires. We have to do likewise, we have to join hands across borders and co-ordinate our struggle, drawing on the limitless energy, imagination and ingenuity of the world's ordinary people. This is the force that must shape the world's economic systems so fulfilling the desires of the ordinary people. We cannot leave it to the greed merchants of the corporate world to create further inequalities in their drive to increase their wealth and power. We have had their capitalist world for centuries now, and the result is poverty and starvation on a scale never known before, wars across the globe on a scale of brutality and ferociousness never witnessed before. We have a range of inequality that has never existed before, with individuals possessing enough wealth to destroy the social fabric of a country. Such a system governed by the unimaginably wealthy can never be in the interests of of the majority of the people. It is not designed for that purpose, its primary function is to create greater wealth in the hands of those with the most wealth. It will strive to protect and increase that wealth at the expense of the environment and the people. So far, as far as the economic system is concerned, it has been functioning well, with fewer and fewer people controlling more and more of the earth's wealth and resources. Is that what we want to continue for our children and our grandchildren? Or do we envisage an alternative of justice, equality, co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability? 

Davos elites warn of "perfect global storm" threat

      Listening to the ConDems lecturing the low-waged and unemployed about “fairness” as they cut their state benefits when measured against inflation, reinforces the view of a government at war with ordinary people while protecting the rich and powerful.
     The policy adds weight to the contents of the latest edition of Global Risks, which the World Economic Forum produces each year before the world’s ruling elites gather at Davos to try and reshape the world in their image.
      At the centre of its concerns are the prospects of loss of confidence in government leadership and the threat of increasing unrest as inequality widens. With the ConDems held in contempt by large sections in society, and Labour presenting itself as Coalition Lite, the WEF is right to be concerned.
   The report was published on the day that European Union joblessness reached a new record high. Youth unemployment in Spain has passed 56%. No wonder Global Risks says that a eurozone meltdown cannot be ruled out.
    The report is a 80-page crystallisation of responses from “1,000 experts from industry, government, academia and civil society who were asked to review a landscape of 50 global risks”. Presented in the language of systems theory, the results are sobering:
     "Continued stress on the global economic system is positioned to absorb the attention of leaders for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, the Earth’s environmental system is simultaneously coming under increasing stress. Future simultaneous shocks to both systems could trigger the ‘perfect global storm’, with potentially insurmountable consequences."
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 1 January 2013


       Well the greed, gluttony, over consumption, festival of massive waste is all but over, for the time being. However this is capitalism and over consumption is the name of the game. Even although the illusion that this is happiness is soon dulled by the weight of debt left behind, it seems to repeat itself again and again. This system creates a world of obscene contrasts. Where we have this multitude gorging on all things material, we have millions dying of starvation, where we have millions titillating phony material desires created by advertising propaganda, on the other side of the coin we have millions desperately seeking material things simply for their survival. Surely even an idiot can see that there is something wrong with the system.
Thoughts on Christmas, and the Battle Between Materialism and Anti Materialism within Consumption Culture.
       The circus has once again come to town, hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands upon millions of feet are marching up and down streets all over the country (indeed all of the world) on a multitude of separate quests- chasing something, a dream, an image, an impossible reality sold to each and every one of us on our t.v’s, on billboards and in magazines. Like the children of Hamelin running blissfully towards their unhappy [1]ending all of us march glazed eyed and dozy footed through rows of lights and tinsel, eyes shining towards that unattainable moment, that glorious realization that can never quite be reached; because each time we get close to reaching material satisfaction, the advertiser, the store owner, the profiteer, our peers, and even ourselves snatch it away and raise the bar a little higher.
     Yet doggedly we keep on, believing somewhere somehow perhaps that in material we will find salvation, that among the cess pit of new toys, lingerie, and Christmas fucking pudding we might find something that will bring daylight streaming into the underside of the hill[2]- but we won’t. Shopping, the quest for material enlightenment is like masturbation without the orgasm[3]. Yet, when Christmas is done and put away and we go back to working overtime at our nine to fives to pay back the money we owe to loan sharks and credit card companies; we will if nothing else have once again achieved one giant cum stain of waste, broken toys, and half eaten food in the landfill of post consumer commodities.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


         Here we go, here we go, millionaire Osborne will take centre stage this afternoon and deliver what is meant to be taken as a profound calculated analysis and plan. When in fact it is a series of calculated guesses, smoke and mirrors and a ridged following of ideology. His master plan when he was handed the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer by his millionaire mate, David, was to suck all the money out of the public purse and transfer it to his corporate friends. Of course we were told that this would be painful, but difficult choices had to be made. However our misery would be short lived, we would just have to suffer until 2015, then all our finances would be in great order and we would once again be living the good times, (which never were for the most of us). Now, as 2015 approaches, it is not quite sorted yet, so once again, difficult choices have to be made. That translates into, screw more money from the public purse, hand more money to the corporate world. Sadly that means we will have to wait until 2018, until those ever so rosy good times return. What a load of bullshit.

 "These are difficult times".

      We are on a downward spiral, as far as the living standards of the ordinary people of the developed world are concerned. According to recently released figures, Europe is sinking deeper into recession. The people of Greece have been brutally assaulted by the financial mafia, Spain, Potrugal and Italy are circling the plug hole, Ireland has to intoduce further austerity measures. Here, we are in the hands of a member of the millionaire Etonian old boys club, telling us that we will have to face a few more years of being screwed for the benefit of his corporate friends. What they are trying to get you to swallow is that after ten years or so of slashing our living standards and destroying the fabric of our society, we will all be better off!!! Tell that to the working families that are living in poverty at this moment in time. Tell it to the unemployed youth and the thousands of homeless. Tell it to the one third of our chidren who at present are living below the poverty line. 
       This certainly a master plan, a rigid following of ideology, for the Western corporate world to survive and grow, it has to create a Western wide sweatshop economy. A low wage, unregulated labour force is it last gasp to compete with its Eastern corporate adversary. You and I are intended to be part of that subservient corporate dream. Is that what you want for yourself, your kids and grandkids? If not, we have to organise, resist and act, very quickly, after all that is the way that they work.

ann arky's home.

Monday 12 November 2012


Graphic from Void Network:


See the fat cat’s grinning smile
as Corporate Capitalism runs amok,
Chasing profit as it goes
firing millions of ordinary folk.
Raping and polluting land after land,
starting bloody wars.
Toxic waste, sweat shop wages
and oil covered sea shores.
Where have all the flowers gone
beneath this ozone free sky?
To join the birds, to join the fox
on yonder plutonium field to die.
Mercury fish, strontium lamb
trees that never show a leaf,
radio active beaches, toxic streams
good lean BSE-antibiotic beef.
In a world of epidemic, plague and famine
it’s bottled water and chemical food.
Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice
so you know its got to be good.
Beneath a sky that’s always black,
hurricane winds and endless drought,
its oxygen masks for the toxic air,
corporate profit’s what its all about. 

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 30 October 2012


      Across the globe state's do their damnedest to repress any attempt by the people to organise to protect themselves against the onslaught of corporate greed. The state's function is to act as population controller to allow the corporate greed machine to plunder and pillage the earth in the name of profit. Corporatism is global, we need our solidarity to be global.

This from Labourstart:
In the dock: teacher unionists in Bahrain.
Last week, a court in Bahrain upheld the convictions of trade union leaders, sentencing Mahdi Abu Dheeb and Jalila al-Salman to five years and six months respectively.
Mahdi and Jalila, president and vice president of the Bahraini Teachers’ Association were arrested in 2011 after supporting calls for reform in Bahrain. Whilst in detention they were subjected to torture and forced to sign “confessions”.
In September 2011, a military court convicted them of attempting to overthrow the ruling system by force and inciting hatred of the regime. The report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry last year found that the authorities had grossly exaggerated, if not manufactured, many claims brought against thousands of ordinary people who had been caught up in the February 2011 protests. Mahdi and Jalila’s only “crime” was to have the temerity to promote respect for the values of solidarity, equality and democracy.
The Education International has issued a call for a large online campaign demanding the release of both Mahdi and Jalila.

Please take a moment to send off your message here.
And then please spread the word to your fellow trade union members.
In additon, please take a moment to learn more about the case of Kenyan trade union leader Francis Atwoli who was recently fined about £3,000 because he refused to call off a strike (two years earlier!) defending jobs in the Kenyan tea industry from mechanisation. Trade unions outside Kenya are trying to help raise the money to cover this fine and his legal costs.  Learn more here.
Thanks -- and please forward on this email!

Eric Lee

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 9 October 2012


       In a couple of days it will be the 37th anniversary of the American backed coup in Chile that lead to 17 years of brutality, death and torture across that country. Though Pinochet has gone, nothing much has changed regarding American policy, it still backs dictators and despots as long as it suits the Western corporate machine. The profits and survival of corporatism is more important than the lives of people. 
September 11th was the day that, in 1973, the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army Augusto Pinochet took power over the democratically elected president Allende. Pinochet killed and tortured thousands in his dictatorial rule, until 1990. On the same day, in 1998, anarchist Claudia López was shot dead by cops of the reinstated democracy while she fought at a barricade during a commemoration of the 1973 coup d’etat. Since then, under the slogan of ‘Black September’ demonstrators fight state repression in remembrance of Claudia and all of those who fell in combat

ann arky's home.

Thursday 13 September 2012



There will come a time when the hordes remember,
who bound our grand-parents to the yoke of oppression,
who sentenced our parents to deprivation,
who bid poverty sink its teeth into our heart,
who teach our children, greed is a noble art.
Who sent our sons through the gates of hell
to a litany of cambist brawls,
crammed coffers with blood-stained gold
while laughing in Ares' halls.
"Who does these terrible things to us?" they will ask,
and when they remember,
they'll bring an energy that is endless
to drive a fist that is fearless.
Then this merciless market-driven world will crumble
under an insurrection of integrity,
the poor will emerge from the dark husk of capitalism
to live in the light of social justice.
There will come a time when the hordes remember.

        As the states across Europe stride ever further to the right and fascism shows it vile face from behind the tenuous illusion of democracy, and we live the hardship of financial corporatism's actions of plunder of the public purse, do we meekly accept this financial serfdom or strike out for justice and liberty to control our own lives? There are two questions that need to be answered now, and answered honestly and sincerely.
      "Fear and embarrassment should give their position to daring and
decisiveness, anger should give birth to storms of rage and each one
should ask their heart, if not now... when? if not us... who?"

-Excerpt from a communique of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire
ann arky's home.

Saturday 19 May 2012


         While the millionaires' club, also known as the G8, discuss how best to save and maximise the unimaginable wealth of their billionaire friends, for convenience let's call them the financial Mafia, the ordinary people are getting screwed. The talk is all about saving the Euro, protecting the liquidity of the banks and reducing the deficit. All very rational sounding, it is all a matter of figures, percentages etc. and as they sit in splendour, munching on lavish meals, the thought of the suffering inflicted on the ordinary people by their policies will not enter their heads. Of course they may discuss how to control any anger that may arise from that suffering, but not how to alleviate it in any way. We are expendable, in their eyes our suffering is necessary to safeguard their wealth. It is necessary to plunder all public assets to help them balance their crooked books. Unemployment helps to keep down wage bills, increases profit and makes them more competitive, in their eyes a great idea.

"We're going through tough times."

        Across Europe unemployment is rising to levels not seen since that last big “capitalist crisis” in the 30s. In this country there has been 270,000 public sector jobs lost in 2011, 71,000 roles disappeared in education and 31,000 disappeared in the National Health Service. Unemployment is at 8.2%, with unemployment among the young (16 to 24) is at 22.2%, a staggering 1,033,000 young lives being blighted to balance the books of the crooked banking system. Closer to home, here in Glasgow we have three parliamentary constituencies in the city where unemployment is 10% or more. It is not just a matter of employed and unemployed, there is also under-employed. The figures for the last quarter show that those in full employment fell by 13,000 but those in part time employment rose by 118,000, part time employment accounts for more than 18% of the workforce. Of course again these are just figures, they don't in any way portray the misery that is attached to them. Unemployment, under-employment, translates into poverty, malnutrition, illness caused by being unable to heat your home in winter, stress related problems which impinge on personal relationships, and all to appease the accountants of the billionaires.

         What the financial Mafia will be discussing at the G8 is not our world, our world is the well being of all of humanity, theirs is the personal wealth of an army of parasites, we are in conflict with each other. Their decisions negatively impact on our lives, but we don't need them. We can organise the world in a more sane, just, and sustainable manner, we can organise to see to the needs of all our people. The world has enough resources to see to all our needs, it is the money system of the corporate world's wealthy parasites that holds and hordes those resources, creating mass poverty and deprivation in the interests of profit. We should always remember, we are governed by consent, we have the right to withdraw that consent, as I said, we don't need them, but they need us.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 12 May 2012


     They call it democracy, the people call it dictatorship, and it is, dictatorship by the financial Mafia. As usual, the state will do what is necessary to carry out it's instructions, handed down by the robber barons that make up the financial mafia. These scenes will be repeated in city after city where the people stand up against the "austerity plan" which is to plunder all public assets. If your one of those who think that voting sorts things out, just remember, no matter who you voted for, you will get the "austerity plan", and ConDem austerity is not that different from Labour austerity and across Europe we have Social Democratic austerity, Christian Democratic austerity and 57 other varieties. In each the colour is slightly different, but the smell is just the same. Sometimes to make the "austerity" seem a little more palatable, they will add a magic ingredient, called "growth". Then we can all rejoice, we will have austerity with growth.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


        It is easy in our society to fall for the illusion that you can be green and ethical and still fit in somewhere. With modern globalisation practically everything we touch has been produced by brutal exploitation somewhere in some dismal corner of the planet. Social networking, so popular in the developed world, relies on mobile phones and computers, both rather dirty things. That cheap pair of jeans and that cheap cotton shirt, somebody sweated blood for hours to get the raw material. It is very difficult not to be party to that exploitation. Of course we can try and we can campaign for a greener world, a more ethical world, but the bottom line is if we don't change the economic system under which all that merchandise is produced, then the exploitation will just move around the planet.

        Information is the key, if people know the full trail of the things they use, then I'm sure they would see the injustice of such things as migrant workers working 10 hour shifts in blazing sunshine in California’s fruit farms with no reasonable breaks, insufficient water and below the minimum wage, so that your local supermarket can have cheap fruit on their shelves. Also of course producing massive profits for the corporate body and its shareholders. Certainly we should strive for a greener and more ethical world but never lose sight of the fact that it is the economic system that is the problem, not the individual corporate body that does the exploiting. Seeking a more caring compassionate corporate world, is much the same as asking the fox to be a little bit more caring towards the chickens.

ann arky's home.

Friday 23 March 2012


         The plan's of the millionaire cabal, sitting pretty in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, are still going full steam ahead. It is a Tory government in spite of the “coalition” label, and it will always look upon public expenditure as unnecessary and wasteful spending, they will never see it as the provision of necessary public services. Their line of double speak is that the flow of more going to the fortunate, and less to the vulnerable, is in some way fair and just, what they call, “economically sound”. This government is hell bent on pursuing its ideology of privatisation, their latest grand plan, running in parallel with the privatising of the NHS, being the privatising of the road network. It is an ideology of the dominance of the private over the public, the pursuit of capital over civic. This millionaire cabal will continue to ram their ideology through the entire fabric of our society and will not relent until they achieve their goal, a corporate Britain that they can sell to the highest bidders among their millionaire friends.

          However, changing the smile and suit that sits at the helm, by voting in another party will in no way change the direction of the ideology, it will merely change the pace at which they follow the financial Mafia's grand plan, it is just that the Tories are more eager and willing as it suits their personal fortunes and that of their millionaire friends.

Sunday 11 December 2011


        It is quite frightening how the “Free Democratic Peace Loving West” can drum up all manner of reasons to attack, invade and destroy so many countries across the globe. Our most recent list includes, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya to mention a few. Now our war hungry political class is screwing up the tension for having a go at Syria and Iran. There are those who claim that the war against Iran has already started with covert attacks on industrial installations and the assassination of a general. What drives our war crazy “leaders”? Do you honestly believe it is all for the benefit of the Iraqis, Afghans and Libyans? Or is it big money corporatism seeking control over all the planet's valuable resources? The following is a short extract from a recent article in The Guardian, it is well worth reading the whole article.

"---The whole campaign has an Alice in Wonderland quality about it. Iran, which says it doesn't want nuclear weapons, is surrounded by nuclear-weapon states: the US – which also has forces in neighbouring Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as military bases across the region – Israel, Russia, Pakistan and India.
Iran is of course an authoritarian state, though not as repressive as western allies such as Saudi Arabia. But it has invaded no one in 200 years. It was itself invaded by Iraq with western support in the 1980s, while the US and Israel have attacked 10 countries or territories between them in the past decade. Britain exploited, occupied and overthrew governments in Iran for over a century. So who threatens who exactly?---"

ann arky's home.