An urgent appeal from Open Media:
Here’s the situation: Obama himself
is in secretive meetings with key political figures and lobbyists in
Asia to lock the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s Internet censorship
plan into place.
We know from leaked documents that this
secretive plan will censor your use of the Internet and strip away
your rights.1 If finalized, this plan would force ISPs to act as
“Internet Police” monitoring our Internet use, censoring content,
and removing whole websites.2
It will give media conglomerates
centralized control over what you can watch and share online.
This is huge: covering 40% of the
global economy, the TPP is being called a legal “blueprint” for
the rest of the world.[3] Once key leaders finalize TPP Internet
censorship plans today it will be used to globalize censorship across
the world. You
will be affected and this may be our only chance to stop it.
Our attention-grabbing message will
shine a light on their secret plan and will make clear to Washington
lobbyists that the Internet community will never accept the TPP’s
secrecy or censorship. The more who speak out, the larger our
projection will become, and the more people we can reach.
is a decisive moment: we need to act right now. Join with hundreds of
thousands of people all over the world to shine a light on the TPP’s
job-killing Internet censorship plan. Let’s send decision-makers
and the lobbyists pulling the strings a message they can’t ignore:
"Stop the secrecy now."
With every voice that is added to our
call, a donor will contribute to make Stop The Secrecy projection in
Washington bigger and brighter. We’ve stalled them before and we can
kill this censorship plan if we act together at this critical moment. The bureaucrats and lobbyists think
they can ram through this damaging binding plan behind your back and
without your consent. Will
you let them get away with it, John?
Thank you for being a part of history,
Steve, Josh, Eva, and David, on behalf
of your team
P.S., If the TPP censorship plan goes
through, the Internet as we know it will change forever. We’d be
left with an Internet that’s far more expensive, censored, and
policed. We know we can stop this - but we need to act right now. Can
we count on you to stand with us, John?
[1] “Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership
Agreement (TPP).” Source: WikiLeaks.
[2] TPP Creates Legal Incentives For
ISPs To Police The Internet. What Is At Risk? Your Rights. Source:
Frontier Foundation
[3] U.S. “Bullying” TPP Negotiators
Amid Failure to Agree. Source: Inter
Press Service News Agency. *Note: The U.S. and the E.U. are
already discussing a similar secretive agreement called
"Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)".
Once the TPP is finalized there will be pressure to harmonize and
extend its provisions to TTIP -- meaning the E.U. There are also
reports of several others countries being added to the TPP once it is
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