Monday 15 September 2014

Get Out And Let Them Sort Things Themselves.

     After the brutal murder of the young Scots aid worker by the fundamentalists ISIS, Cameron comes on TV with his serious war leader face, and announces how we are going to get involved in another war in the Middle East. ISIS is a brutal regime and murders hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people, but our involvement will also kill thousands of innocent people, modern war does not just target combatants, our smart bombs are not that smart.

 Their history.

      I have said it before, if the West's aim is to destroy ISIS, then it should get out of the entire area of the Middle East. We fund and support a ragtag bunch of fundamentalists, The Syrian Free Army, in a civil war in Syria, tying that government up in knots, while the friends of the of that ragtag bunch of fundamentalists, ISIS, with the aid of American armoury, ravages part of Syria and Iraq. At the same time we push Iran in to a corner, stopping it from taking on ISIS. If we stopped funding the civil war in Syria and left Iran to support its neighbour, Iraq, together the three could wipe ISIS off the face of the earth. All three have that wish in common. It is our interference in that area that has given birth to the rapid rise of ISIS and other nut-case fundamentalists. The people of the Middle East, like the people all over the world, are very capable of sorting out their own affairs, if allowed to do so. 

 Before Western aid.
     The only reason for our continued interference in that area is their oil, it has nothing to do with democracy, nothing to do with protecting innocents, nothing to do with despot regimes, after all we helped form, and continue to support, most of those. It is oil, wealth and power, and the unfortunate people of that area have to bear the brunt of our continuing greed for their resources. This will continue until we wake up and destroy the greed and profit drive capitalist system that blights and jeopardises our very existence.

After Western aid.

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