Saturday 30 January 2016

A Home, A Money Making Commodity, Or A Right??

        Homelessness is part and parcel of this system of exploitation that we live under, a home is not seen as a basic right, but as a source of wealth creation for a handful of greedy individuals. Nor will the powers that be ever resolve the “housing crisis”, as that would interfere with the profitability of house building companies and developers. As long as there is a “scarcity” of houses, the price of buying and renting, will continue their upward surge, more profit for that brand of business. The so called housing problem is not a problem, it is a policy. Are our learned politicians sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, telling us that there is not enough raw materials in the country to build enough houses, or are they saying we don't have the skills? We can build expensive abodes for those with deep pockets, we certainly can create opulence for the few, but are deemed incapable of creating decent houses for the many? Without the building of more homes for the ordinary people, people will obviously look to solve the “problem" by themselves. Our cities and towns are awash with empty premises, people are without homes, put the two together and we have a temporary solution, until we can take control of our own society, and create that basic right of all, a decent place to lay your head. 
      Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP!) is a new London freesheet for squat news, actions, history and events. Paper copies soon available at Freedom Bookshop in Whitechapel and 56a Infoshop in Elephant and Castle. (Read Slap! First issue pdf)

     At worst, homelessness can mean sleeping rough on the streets.
Government statistics show 2,744 people slept rough in England on any one night during 2014 - a 55 per cent rise on 2010
Local agencies report 7,581 people slept rough in London alone throughout 2014/15 - A 16 per cent rise on the previous year, and more than double the figure of 3,673 in 2009/10 However, the problem of homelessness is much bigger than that of rough sleeping.
More on rough sleeping
In England:

     112,330 households applied to their local authority for homelessness assistance in 2014/15, a 26 per cent rise since 2009/10.
        The vast majority of single homeless people who are not entitled to housing, as well as those who, for a variety of reasons do not even apply for homelessness assistance, end up surviving out of sight.
       Many stay in hostels and there are just over 38,500 be spaces in hostels for single homeless people in England but there are other ways to get by. This might mean staying in squats or B&Bs, in overcrowded accommodation or ‘concealed' housing, such as the floors or sofas of friends and family.
        If you do not qualify for local authority housing assistance, if you are sleeping rough, staying in a hostel, a squat or some other form of unsatisfactory or insecure accommodation, then you are one of the countless thousands of hidden homeless people.

More on hidden homelessness More on hostel accommodation More on squatting
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Friday 29 January 2016

Shopiate Of The Masses.

       I like this slightly altered quote from Not Buying Anything site, it does ring rather true of today, or am I being too pessimistic?
Slightly altering one of Huxley's quotes about pharmaceuticals, it can be seen that consumerism is a drug. It is the ultimate shopiate of the masses.
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method consumer economic model of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. shopping
And this seems to be the final revolution.”

- Aldous Huxley
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There's Healthy Fun In Mud.

           The North Kelvin Meadow's struggle is still very much on, in spite of the last two rallies for support being hit by Scotland's unpredictable weather.  There was a call out for support on Saturday 16th. January, as luck would have it, that was the Saturday that we had the worst snowfall of the year. In spite of dreadful weather the rally was well supported, showing the strength of feeling in support for this struggle. The next rallying call went out for Tuesday January 26th., the day the cabal from the Kremlin in George Square were coming to cast their cash register eyes over the meadow, to see if it should become a tarmac property developers cash machine, or remain a wonderful community asset for the local community, and further afield. Again the Scottish weather hit them, that Tuesday it was torrential rain, but still the crowds came. The kids proved once and for all, that there is fun in mud, it was a tremendous turn out, proving that the Kelvin Meadow is not just a summer picnic place, but wonderful magical place where kids and adults alike can come together and enrich our communities. This must remain a slice of wonderful natural countryside in the midst of our city, a rich community asset, where our kids can learn and grow, in a healthy and fun atmosphere. Far from thinking of destroying this gem, our paid servants sitting in the Kremlin in George Square should be looking at ways to increase this sort of environment within our city.

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Thursday 28 January 2016

The Strangling Grip Of The State.

        Across the globe, states are moving towards the right, albeit at different paces, but the direction doesn't alter. The bogey man is always held up as the need for tighter legislation. That bogey man could be, war on drugs, a clamp down on the violent criminal element, the big global bogey man at the moment, is the war on terrorism. This particular big bogey man has fringe aspects such as, undeserving refugees endangering our wonderful way of life, and that other one, "radicalising", these engender an atmosphere of fear and anger, which helps keep the populace in quiet acquiescence of the state's ever tightening grip, a grip that if unchallenged, will eventually strangle any semblance of civil rights we may still have.
      The so-called Ley Mordaza, or Gag Law, imposes heavy fines for “administrative infractions” and maintains a registry of the citizens who commit those infractions.
      Though the expansive legislation threatens a variety of uses of public space and legalises prohibited border control practices such as summary expulsions, it is its aggressive attack on the right of citizens to protest that has attracted the most attention from media and human rights organisations.
    The legislation especially targets the types of protest and disobedience favoured by the indignados movement, such as unauthorised protests, blocking evictions or surrounding high institutions of the state.
     It also affects trade union protest by essentially prohibiting picketing and any disruption of services. Maria José Saura of the leading CCOO trade union told Equal Times that “the Gag Law turns conflicts over labour into an issue of public order. With no room for unauthorised actions, what we’re left with is protest as a farce.”
       The Gag Law also works in tandem with a new reform of Spain’s penal code, which classifies transgressive actions in public space as administrative sanctions, thus leaving them to the discretion of police officers through the application of fines on the spot.
Mexico and Costa Rica:

        President Peña Nieto of Mexico brags about his neoliberal policies to privatize public resources, cut social services, and force anti-union education “reforms.” His government has also been exposed for its ties to drug cartels and the killing and jailing of political activists. There’s a connection. Increasingly, Peña Nieto’s economic plans hinge on crushing all opposition — by effectively making protest illegal.
          To the south, Costa Rica does the same. Both countries are part of an international campaign to repress dissidents. They are backed by the USA, which launches offensives to hound its own movement leaders.
        Among the most militant opponents of this strategy is Heriberto Magariño Lopez, a leader of the teachers union in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. He is also a national leader of the Partido Obrero Socialista (POS), which has been active in defending and uniting all those fighting the regime’s attacks.

      In the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris earlier this month, France declared a state of emergency and implemented sweeping anti-terrorism measures.
      When lawmakers extended that state of emergency (and its security provisions) for three months, some eyebrows arched over the potential cost to French civil liberties. In an interview with NPR, Jean-Pierre Dubois, the president of France’s Human Rights League, raised the issue of how French authorities could overreach into matters beyond terrorism.
But when you come to the articles of the bill, it’s not at all terrorism. It’s everything about security and public order. That means the exceptional extension of the police powers and the exceptional restraints of civil liberties is not at all only for the purposes of fighting terrorism but for anything during three months. And we don’t understand that because it’s not really very fair to tell people it’s about terrorism and to extend so much the exceptional law field in a way.
        On Sunday, demonstrators gathering in Paris to protest the global climate conference learned firsthand about France’s new security measures when they encountered riot police with pepper spray and stun grenades. According to reports, the vast majority of the roughly 200 people arrested after clashing with security forces were held in detention.

      Torture is not currently a crime under Italian law. The legal shortfall is blamed for the acquittal of the most serious charges against baton-wielding policemen involved in the night time raid on the Armando Diaz school in Genoa.
      In 2012, 25 officers were found guilty of falsifying evidence concerning the raid, in which some 200 masked anti-riot police swooped down on sleeping activists, breaking bones, chasing those trying to flee and beating many senseless.
       The police planted two Molotov cocktails in the building to justify the raid and repeatedly lied about what happened.
       The more serious charges of grievous bodily harm and libel fell by the wayside because the statute of limitations expired, and none of the convicted served time behind bars.
 And elsewhere:

       In a number of recent front lines of popular protest, state capacities have been reconfigured to meet the challenge. In some instances, as in Greece, this has meant periods of emergency government. In Chicago, in Quebec and now in Spain, it has meant the expansion of anti-protest laws. The Spanish government’s punitive anti-protest draft laws are, critics say, an attack on democracy.
       Another example emerged in 2011, when Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, requested that the city council pass “temporary” anti-protest measures in response to the planned protests around the Nato and G8 summits. By early 2012, the legislation had been made permanent. Later that same year, tumultuous uprising of students against increased tuition fees led to emergency legislation named Bill 78. With the support of the state’s employers, it imposed severe restrictions on the ability to protest. The “public safety” legislation proposed in Spain has an essentially similar basis. Demonstrating near parliament without permission will result in steep fines, while participation in “violent” protests can result in a minimum two-year jail sentence. In each case, the logic is to put a chill on protest. It is not just that it is a protest deterrent; it has a domesticating effect on such protests as do occur. To understand why this is happening, it is necessary to grasp the relationship between neoliberal austerity and popular democracy.
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Workers' Rights.

Thought some of you may be interested in this: 
      You are invited to join the online course entitled "Workers' Rights in a Global Economy" which starts on 3 March 2016.
This is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offered as cost-free and as a certificate course, by the Global Labour University.  It aims to connect union members and labour activists around the world.
Learn and debate about strategies for implementing workers' rights nationally and along global supply chains.
Click here to learn more and sign up.
Please spread the word in your unions.

Thanks very much.
Eric Lee
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Wednesday 27 January 2016

A Brick Has Fallen From Our Wall.

        It is always sad when an old warrior for the people passes away. It is as if a strong brick has fallen out of our wall of resistance and we hope we can find one just as strong to fill the gap. Such a brick fell from our wall last Monday evening, 25th January, when Les Foster died in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, aged 96. He lead a life of struggle for the ordinary people of Glasgow and further afield. Needless to say, he will be sadly missed. 
Received this from Les's friend James Kelman:
Maybe Euan mentioned it. Just letting you know that old Leslie Forster died Monday evening, at the age of 96.  He's an important figure although perhaps little known. He was a close friend of Hugh Savage and Harry McShane, personally acquainted with Guy Aldred, knew Helen Crawfurd, Matt McGinn and so many others during a lifetime’s commitment. He led the Merrylee Housing struggle in 1951 [Guy Aldred printed 30,000 leaflets for them and when the committee went skint Guy said Ach well it's a good cause, and wrote it off.]  and was involved in various other stuff, helped produce works on the 1911 Clydebank Singer Strike, a history of the NUR. He wrote the Introduction for the reprinted 3 Days that Shook Edinburgh!  Harry McShane's pamphlet]. He wrote [with Hugh Savage] a life of Willie Nairn from Brechin [All for the Cause] who was an influence on John Maclean. His own autobiography was Rocking the Boat. He was one of the wee group who caused ructions in the early 1950s when they resigned the CP and went ahead in their own way. He was talking football, books, art, politics, music, gossip, memories and whatever else, right up until the last.  He was 96 years old, into his 97th. A Maryhill Juniors regular when fit, you saw him there with me!
His funeral is this Monday coming [ist Feb]  10.30am at  Maryhill Crematorium. I'd appreciate it if you could share this information.
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Is It Too Late?

        I'm getting on a bit, and when I look at young kids, I sometimes find it very depressing when I consider the world that we will leave them, Our legacy to future generations could be a very inhospitable and dangerous place. A planet that we plundered, pillaged and polluted, all to pamper a small army of pampered parasites. It could be too late, we just don't know, but there is a chance, a possibility, that we could just about turn things around, to dismiss that possible opportunity would indeed be a crime against our grand kids and all future generations.
     It is obvious that if we do grasp this chance it will require the active and positive destruction of the present system. A total rethink of how we interact with each other, it will demand a society based on mutual aid, co-operation, and sustainability, at its heart must be that the guaranteed duty to see to the needs of all our people. Capitalism and the greed for profit, must rot into oblivion in the mists of the distant past, only to be remembered as man's darkest hour.

Tomorrow’s World!

See the fat cat’s grinning smile
as Corporate Capitalism runs amok,
Chasing profit as it goes
firing millions of ordinary folk.
Raping and polluting land after land,
starting bloody wars.
Toxic waste, sweat shop wages
and oil covered sea shores.
Where have all the flowers gone
beneath this ozone free sky?
To join the birds, to join the fox
on yonder plutonium field to die.
Mercury fish, strontium lamb
trees that never show a leaf,
radio active beaches, toxic streams
good lean BSE-antibiotic beef.
In a world of epidemic, plague and famine
it’s bottled water and chemical food.
Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice
so you know its got to be good.
Beneath a sky that’s always black,
hurricane winds and endless drought,
its oxygen masks for the toxic air,
corporate profit’s what its all about.

Can we turn it round?

       Evolution of global warming of the planet in 30 seconds. It is paramount to implement measures such as the national plan of energy transition, to improve the energy efficiency and opt for an economy based on the use of renewable energy.
Video from Podemos:   Is it too late!!

NASA muestra cambio climático
Evolución del calentamiento global del planeta en 30 segundos. Es primordial aplicar medidas como el Plan Nacional de Transición Energética, para mejorar la eficiencia energética y apostar por una economía basada en el uso de energías renovables.
Posted by Podemos on Monday, 25 January 2016
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What The US Really Wants.

        I'm always looking for ways to sum up, simply and briefly, the way this modern world functions and the reasons for the poverty, inequality, barbarism and the perpetual war that we live under. You can try to explain it in economic terms, imperialism, power blocks, and/or corrupt liaisons of rich and powerful people/organisations/states, and you could fill a very large book. This video does a very good job in approximately 8 minutes. Well worth watching.

      Current US military space policy is primarily geared toward two countries, China and Russia.
      In May 2000 the Washington Post published an article called “For Pentagon, Asia Moving to Forefront.” The article stated that, “The Pentagon is looking at Asia as the most likely arena for future military conflict, or at least competition.” The article said the US would double its military presence in the region and essentially attempt to manage China.
By William Blum
March 08, 2014 "Information Clearing House When it gets complicated and confusing, when you’re overwhelmed with too much information, changing daily; too many explanations, some contradictory … try putting it into some kind of context by stepping back and looking at the larger, long-term picture.
       The United States strives for world domination, hegemony wherever possible, their main occupation for over a century, it’s what they do for a living. The United States, NATO and the European Union form The Holy Triumvirate. The Holy Triumvirate has subsidiaries, chiefly The International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, International Criminal Court … all help to keep in line those governments lacking the Holy Triumvirate Seal Of Approval: the IMF, WB, and WTO impose market fundamentalism, while foreign leaders who act too independent are threatened with being handed over to the ICC for heavy punishment, as the United States imposes sanctions on governments and their leaders as only the King of Sanctions can, lacking any sense of hypocrisy or irony.
       And who threatens United States domination? Who can challenge The Holy Triumvirate’s hegemony? Only Russia and China, if they were as imperialistic as the Western powers. (No, the Soviet Union wasn’t imperialistic; that was self-defense; Eastern Europe was a highway twice used by the West to invade; tens of millions of Russians killed or wounded.)
I received the video link from from Comrade Loam at arrezafe:

Published on July 28, 2015

CN: This video will discuss and contain some images you might find upsetting or disturbing - genocide, racism and extreme poverty...
        This analysis of US foreign policy is essentially a summary of the arguments made in Volume I of Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman's Political Economy of Human Rights, 'The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism'. Although it's a harrowing read, it is very informative and provides a devastating account of US-backed atrocities across the globe, and I would highly recommend it.
         With regard to North Vietnam, in case people are wondering, I am not saying that the bloodbath during the land reform programme was acceptable or permissible - rather I included this point to highlight the hypocrisy of the US media which openly condemns bloodbaths such as this one but turns a blind eye to bloodbaths carried out by the United States and its allies.
           My own position is that action against these kinds of atrocities ought to be strategic. It is the responsibility of populations to criticise and take action against their own state rather than other states, as this is arguably the most effective means of preventing atrocities and protecting human rights.

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Tuesday 26 January 2016

Kobane Liberated, One Year Ago Today.

        On this day, January, 26th., 2015, the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane was liberated by its defence forces, after having been under attack from ISIS for 134 days.
This by ROAR Collective
       During its four and a half months of resistance against the jihadist juggernaut of the so-called Islamic State, the small town of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border gained international fame as a bulwark of freedom, equality and democracy. The seemingly hopeless fight of the poorly equipped defenders of the city made up primarily of the local Peoples’ and Women’s Defense Forces (YPG and YPJ) became a contemporary saga of the universal struggle of good versus evil.
      What made the battle for Kobane unique was not only the refusal of its people to hand over their home town to the jihadists and their determination to continue the resistance against all odds. What truly triggered the collective imagination of observers of this heroic battle were the revolutionary ideas the town’s defenders were fighting for. As protectors of the birthplace of the Rojava revolution, what motivated the resistance fighters to continue their struggle were the revolution’s core values based upon the ideals of gender equality, direct democracy and ecological sustainability.
        The successful liberation of Kobane one year ago not only proved to the world that the Islamic State could be beaten, it also confirmed that a different world is possible, free of hierarchy and oppression, capitalist exploitation and imperialist aspirations. The battle for Kobane and the Rojava revolution have triggered hopes that the same region that was home to the birth of civilization thousands of years ago, could now once again provide the fertile soil for the creation of a new society.
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What Price a Child's Life?

      It is difficult to grasp the vicious brutality of the Turkish state and its savage repression of the Kurds who live within its authoritarian domain. Our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, seldom mentions what is happening on the streets of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's fiefdom. For generations these Kurds have had this crazy idea that they would like to control their own lives and speak their own language, for this heinous crime, they have suffered continuous brutal repression from the Turkish state. Recently their treatment has got even more savage and brutal, deaths mount, children killed by the state ever increases, and the Western "democracies" look the other way.
       These links tell part of the story, but can't convey the true personal suffering and misery of the families and friends involved. The video helps to bring home the inhumane callous savagery of the Turkish state and it apparatus of repression. 
KJA – Destruction of our People’s Graveyards
KJA – Lists of civilian deaths, arrests, curfews, and security zones
     This video tells a heart breaking story of child murders perpetrated by the Turkish state. In Athens, December 15, 2008, 15 year old Alexis  Grigoropoulos was shot dead in the street by a police officer. His death sparked some of the worst and longest running riots in Greece's history, covering the whole country. Why no such anger for this list of young lives struck down by the state? So many young deaths should multiply the anger.

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A Cruise For The Very Rich!!!

         A cruise for the very rich, what a wonderful idea.
The latest from SubMediaTV;
     This week we examine the contradictory notion of “Anarcho-Capitalism” and dismantle this illogical concept by illustrating current examples of why free markets have nothing to do with freedom. On the music break, San Diego based MC Odessa Kane with “GPT”
      We wrap things up with the bleak economic outlook for the coming year and our very clever solution to fix this capitalist clusterfuck.
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Workers Self-management.

        In late October 2014, Greece was and still is, being severely plundered by the Troika, (ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers.) workers were being paid off in droves, but as always, there are those who fight back against the financial Mafia's grand plan. The workers at the factory in Thessaloniki, were part of that struggle. Their factory was declared bankrupt and closed, but the workers had other ideas, they occupied the factory and started production again. In spite of several attempts by the financial Mafia to have them evicted and the premises auction off, they are still there. They are an example to others in workplaces across the globe. Who needs the bosses, but they do need support and solidarity.

This interview from Anarchist Radio Berlin:

      As Anarchist Radio Berlin ( we had the opportunity of talking to the workers of the self-managed soap factory in Thessaloniki, Greece.
      In our interview they tell us about the origins of this factory take-over by the workers, what this had to do with experiences in Argentina and they managed to overcome financial problems. Listen to this audio also to know how to show solidarity, as is threatened by eviction due to a planned compulsory auction of the premises.

A soap factory inGreece, abandoned by its owners, has been reclaimed by its workers - and provides a vital example of how things can be done differently.
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Monday 25 January 2016

Israel's Cull Of The Palestinian People.

         Is there anybody out there with two or more brain cells who can't see the Israel state's brutal genocide of the Palestinian people and savage illegal land grab of the Palestinian lands? For generations Palestinians have been viciously culled by the Zionist military machine, funded by their friends the American imperialists. For generations the Palestinian people have seen their land stolen, their country diminish in size, and their homes and farms destroyed, turned to rubble or occupied. Yet the world's states ignore this brutal genocide of a people, Why? If we want this situation to change, and I'm sure every caring human on the planet does, then it will be up to the solidarity of the people of the world, change will not come from the power brokers of the imperialist states. Like all terrible injustices, it is the people that forces the change, the plight of the Palestinian people is no different, it is up to us, the states have played their game, and the horror continues.
       Over three months have passed since the killing of his son Bahaa, but Muhammad Alayan has not been able to experience any of them. The 60-year-old lawyer has been too immersed in the struggle to recover the body of his slain son to actually contemplate his loss.
      “More than a hundred days have gone and I couldn’t sit with my wife and three (remaining) children at one table together and realize that there is an empty chair no longer occupied by Bahaa,” Muhammad Alayan told me. “We have had no time to discuss his absence because our entire lives have revolved around getting him back.”
     Parents whose children’s bodies or remains are detained by Israel, either in morgues or in the infamous “cemeteries of numbers” (where the remains of at least 268 Palestinian combatants have been buried for decades in closed military zones) wait to receive their bodies as if they were waiting to welcome living people after their release from their prisons.------
Read the full article HERE: 

The plight of the Palestinian people explained in six minute video:

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Sunday 24 January 2016

A Battle We Can Win, With Solidarity.

       A reminder call for solidarity from North Kelvin Meadow, a chance to stand up and make our desires a reality. We want a green and health city, we want our kids to have a place for play and have healthy adventures. It might not be your area, but it is your city and your area could be next for the tarmac profit making treatment. It is your city, what do you want, tarmac or trees?
From Bob at citystrolls:

       Big day for the Meadows project. Winning this would send a clear message to gentrifiers as well as struggling growing spaces all over the city. That, land has a social value that's returns are of much more value to the human spirit and well being of the community than the barren profits of estate agents and banks. If this project disappears into red brick, not only will we lose a colourful part of our culture, it will also make it much more difficult for the next wee group who comes along and attempts to plant the seed in the wee bit of green stuff at the end of their street. Opportunity for solidarity here folks. We need to start winning these battles, because we are right and the council are usually wrong in these matters, which has been proven time after time after time. B.

 *North Kelvin Meadow and The Children's Wood*
Save the Meadow and Wood

*Where? *North Kelvin Meadow and The Children's Wood.
*When?* 9:15 am
*After?* George Square
*When? *11 am

Glasgow City Council Planning committee will visit the meadow and wood on the 26th of January, at 9:15am, they will then make a decision on both The Children's Wood application to keep the land 'wild and for the community' and the New City Vision application to' build 90 residences on the land ' It is important that as many people are on the land as possible for this visit.

Please meet on NKM and CW at 9:15am for the committee visit. Bring your banners with you and as many people as possible. Please state which school, group or organisation you are from so that the committee can get a feel for the level of support and use of the land.

After the site visit, we will then travel to the city chamber for 11am by bus - or make your own way as before - to be outside the City Chambers for when the committee make a decision on both applications. Please join us for as much of this day as possible. If you can only come to part of it, please try to make the meadow and wood for 9:15am

This will be our only chance to show the planning committee the land and how valued and loved the space is to this community and that we have a plan for it's future.

*Date:* 26th January 2016
*Time*: 9:15am North Kelvin Meadow
*11am: George Square
Spread the word

Join ourFacebook page

and spread the word about next Tuesday
 Halloween at the North Kelvin Meadow.
Location: Kelbourne Street/Sanda Street/Clouston Street, Glasgow, G20
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Kick The Military Out Of Our Schools.

Does the kid know that if he joins, he'll be facing the other end of the gun?
MSPs are being urged to hold an inquiry into the presence of the armed forces in Scotland’s schools after an outcry over plans to set up cadet units aimed at the poorest pupils.
        Why the outcry for an inquiry? It is really quite simply, there should be an outright ban on the military having any presence in our schools. Whither they call it team building or physical training, or whatever, there can be no connection between the military and education. We all know that children are impressionable, it takes years to come to informed opinions about the world in which we live. Let education, families and communities help our children do so, without the interference of the pompous parasitical imperialist masters. To a child, the military might look all very grand as they parade up and down in their fancy regalia, but they are the state's killing machine. Its only purpose is to defend the wealth and power of our imperialist establishment.
         It is up to all of us in our communities to get the military kicked out of our education system, we have to make it quite clear by determined action, that we will not have our children brainwashed into being canon fodder, to be sacrificed on the bloody altar of imperialism. The military is an anathema to education, education is about helping people act of their own free will after an informed look at the evidence, the military is about doing exactly what your are told, no matter what you think. One, education, should take you down the road to free will, the other, the military, turns you into a robot, waiting for instructions from above, a slave to authority, a unit whose live can be sacrificed at the command of a “higher authority”.
        This is a campaign that epitomises the class structure of our society, these “cadet units” are to be placed in the schools in the most deprived areas. Areas where our callous authoritarian imperial masters, know that the kids have less opportunities, and the military will be sold to them as a wonderful life of travel and training, there will be no mention of the death, trauma, injury, suicide, bullying, brutality and abandoning your own will, to the will of the state's killing machine, in the defence of other's wealth and power, wealth and power that they themselves will never share.

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